1.Introduction to Dart
Brief history and key features of Dart
Dart's role in app development, especially with Flutter
Unique aspects and advantages of Dart
2.Installing Dart
Setting up the Dart SDK
Verifying Dart installation and version
3.Dart Basics
Your first Dart program
Simple Dart examples
Code structure and formatting
4.Variables and Data Types in Dart
Working with variables
Fundamental data types: int, double, String, bool, dynamic
Type inference and type annotations
5.User Input and Output in Dart
Reading user input from the console
Printing output using print function
6.Operators in Dart
Arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators
String operations and interpolation
7.Conditional Statements in Dart
Using if , else if , and else statements
Conditional expressions
8.Looping in Dart
for and while loops
Loop control statements
9.Functions in Dart
Creating and invoking functions
Arrow functions and named parameters
10.Strings and String Manipulation in Dart
Working with strings
String interpolation and methods
11.Lists and Arrays in Dart
Introduction to lists (arrays) in Dart
List methods and iteration
12.Maps in Dart
Using maps (key-value pairs) in Dart
13.Dart and Object-Oriented Programming
Defining classes and objects in Dart
Inheritance and class hierarchy
14.Asynchronous Programming in Dart
Introduction to asynchronous programming in Dart
Future and async/await
15.Error Handling in Dart
Using try-catch blocks for exception handling
Custom exceptions in Dart
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